Panel Submissions

Comicpalooza 2025 Panel Submission Interest Form

Interested in applying to be a panelist at Comicpalozoa 2025? Fill out the interest form below and you will be notified once applications are open.

Panelist Interest Form

Types of Panels

There are four (4) panel types at Comicpalooza:

  • Discussions: Individual or group-led panels covering a topic under the larger umbrella of pop culture. These panels bring fans together and give them the opportunity to interact and share their thoughts or ask questions.
  • Demonstrations: Educational sessions with trained specialists teaching an activity such as dance, a game, or even historical/anachronistic choreography.
  • Workshops: Expert-led interactive lessons, most often related to pop-culture crafts, cosplay, writing, etc.
  • Performance: Theatrical, musical, and expressive movement acts, as well as standup comedy and magic routines that excite and entertain audiences.

If your panel does not fit any of the above-mentioned types, please select the best-fit option and provide us with an explanation in the description. This will help us better understand how to address your needs.

IMPORTANT: The setup and spacing of each panel will differ. Discussion and Workshop panels will ONLY be outfitted with a table, chairs, two microphones, and a monitor. Additional tables/chairs and microphones MAY be requested during the application process. We will do our best to meet the needs per request. Applicants are expected to provide their own cables, laptops, and ancillary equipment needed to conduct their panel. Please plan accordingly.

To apply, here's what you'll need to do:

  • Create one or more great topics that will entertain Comicpalooza's pop culture fans
  • Make sure you'll have at least 45 minutes of content to present
  • Create a panel name and description that will entice people to come to your panel
  • Wait for approval (we may inquire more about your topic, so please be detailed and specific)
  • Take the stage, deliver your presentation, and await your applause


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