From One Piece to My Hero Academia and Dragon Ball Z, our Anime Speed Pass includes voice over actors, Colleen Clinkenbeard, Sonny Strait, Amber Lee Connors, Paul Castro Jr., Luci Christian, Jenny Yokobori, Mallorie Rodak and Jason Douglas.
Purchase The Anime Speed Pass and get:
- 3-day admission to Comicpalooza
- 30 minute early admittance to the Exhibit Hall
- VIP line access to the celebrity guest(s) panels, autograph and photograph opportunities* associated with our Anime voice overs. There will be two Anime panels so you will have access to the VIP line for both.
*Autographs and photo ops must be purchased separately.
Voices of Anime: A Q&A with Jenny Yokobori, Amber Lee Connors, Mallorie Rodak, and Paul Castro Jr. | Sunday, May 28 | 12:30 PM | Grand Ballroom C
Finding the One Piece: A Q&A with Colleen Clinkenbeard, Sonny Strait and Luci Christian | Saturday, May 27 | 2:30 PM | Grand Ballroom C